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Cambria Baptist Church is open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds. We lead our congregation in worship, deepening the connection to God, understanding the teachings of Christ, and ultimately to a vibrant faith.We have a long, proud history of serving the people of Christiansburg. Through the dedication of our leadership, staff members and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message. Contact us today to find out more about becoming part of the Cambria Baptist Church community.


 To connect a real God to real people  

(Matthew 28:19-20).

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Image by Avel Chuklanov
Image by Tyler Maddigan

We envision Cambria Baptist Church as a lighthouse in our community where the light of Christ beckons the lost to enter, empowers the believer, and is dispersed to all parts of the world through Missions opportunities.

Core Values

The Building Blocks of Our Church

The love of God given to us in Jesus Christ whom we worship; worship that involves Biblical preaching, prayer, music, praise, and fellowship that leads to service; service that involves taking Christ to the people who need Him through ministries, evangelism, and discipleship; discipleship that involves equipping people to successfully live the Christian life that continues our heritage; our heritage as a Southern Baptist church and our history of cooperative support of local, state, national, and worldwide missions.

Image by Hannah Busing
Image by Ben White
Our Affiliations

Our Affiliations
Western Blue Ridge Baptist Network
Baptist General Association of Virginia
Southern Baptist Convention

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