We have so many exciting opportunities for you to get connected with God, the community, and friends at Cambria Baptist. Whether you are a young professional or a senior adult, we have many options to help you learn and grow in your Christian walk.
9:45 AM | Sunday School Classes
Grow in your faith and make new, encouraging friendships with one of our vibrant Sunday School classes before our Sunday morning worship service. Nursery care and children's classes are provided.
11:00 AM | Morning Worship
Worship the Lord with us through a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs, always followed by a powerful lesson from our Pastor, Rev. Keith Crowgey. Nursery care is provided for infants and children through Kindergarten. Children's Church will be available to 1st-5th graders before the sermon begins.
Small Groups: Strengthen your faith and your friendships through one of our powerful small groups.
Music Ministry: Have a passion for music? Our music ministry welcomes players and singers of all experience levels to join our growing program.
Children's Ministry: Become a volunteer in our warm and loving children's ministry, and make a difference in the life of a child.